Source code for work_tracker.functions.update_work_db

"""Module containing Database interaction class."""

import datetime
from configparser import ConfigParser
from typing import Tuple

import pandas as pd

from .base_classes import DbBaseClass
from .helpfer_functions import get_abs_path, get_midnight_datetime, seconds_to_hm

[docs]class DbInteraction(DbBaseClass): default_config_path = get_abs_path("default_config.ini") def __init__(self, user_config_path=".user_config.ini"): """ Class for data interactions. Parameters ---------- user_config_path : str, optional Path to the user specific config, which will overwrite default settings. by default ".user_config.ini" """ super().__init__(user_config_path) self.occupation = "TestOccupation" self.load_config() self.update_now_and_tomorrow() self.db = self.load_db(self.db_path_offline) self.clean_db()
[docs] def change_occupation(self, occupation: str) -> None: """ Change value of self.occupation. Parameters ---------- occupation : str Current occupation. """ # update the end of last occupation work self.update_db_locale() self.clean_db() self.occupation = occupation new_day_df = pd.DataFrame( [ { "start": self.get_pandas_now(), "end": self.get_pandas_now(), "occupation": self.occupation, } ] ) self.db = self.db.append(new_day_df, ignore_index=True, sort=False) # just for writing changes to db self.update_db_locale()
[docs] def get_today(self): """ Return datetime object for today at midnight. Returns ------- datetime.datetime but with the hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds set to 0 """ return get_midnight_datetime(self.get_datetime_now())
[docs] def update_now_and_tomorrow(self): """ Update the instance variables yesterday, today and tomorrow. In case the date has changed during the session. Preventing error in self.update_db_locale, due to a wrong date. """ self.yesterday = self.get_today() - datetime.timedelta(1) = self.get_today() self.tomorrow = self.get_today() + datetime.timedelta(1)
[docs] def load_config(self) -> ConfigParser: """Load the config files and sets all necessary properties.""" config = super().load_config() occupations = config.get("occupation", "occupations").split(",") last_occupation = config.get("occupation", "last_occupation") if last_occupation in occupations: self.occupation = last_occupation return config
[docs] def get_session_time(self): """ Calculate the current session time in hours and minutes. Returns ------- str String representation in hours and minutes """ today_db = self.db.loc[self.db["start"] >=] session_work = today_db["end"] - today_db["start"] return seconds_to_hm(session_work.sum().seconds) # type: ignore
[docs] def get_start_time(self): """ Return todays startime in hours and minutes. Returns ------- str String representing start time as %h:%M """ today_db = self.db.loc[self.db["start"] >=] start_time = today_db["start"].min() - return seconds_to_hm(start_time.seconds)
[docs] def update_db_locale(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Update local database. Returns ------- Tuple[str, str] start_time and session_time """ self.update_now_and_tomorrow() # case all session today today_df = self.db[(self.db["start"] >= & (self.db["start"] < self.tomorrow)] start_was_today = len(today_df.index) # case date changed during session yesterday_df = self.db[ (self.db["start"] >= self.yesterday) & (self.db["start"] < ] start_was_yesterday = len(yesterday_df.index) # short pause is less than 10min which prevents resets by crashes if start_was_today: is_short_break = self.get_pandas_now() - today_df["end"].max() < pd.to_timedelta( "10m" ) # 10 minutes elif start_was_yesterday: is_short_break = self.get_pandas_now() - yesterday_df["end"].max() < pd.to_timedelta( "10m" ) # 10 minutes else: is_short_break = False if start_was_today and is_short_break: irow = self.db["end"].isin([today_df["end"].values.max()]) self.db.loc[irow, "end"] = self.get_pandas_now() elif start_was_yesterday and is_short_break: irow = self.db["end"].isin([yesterday_df["end"].values.max()]) self.db.loc[irow, "end"] = new_day_df = pd.DataFrame( [ { "start":, "end": self.get_pandas_now(), "occupation": self.occupation, } ] ) self.db = self.db.append(new_day_df, ignore_index=True, sort=False) else: new_day_df = pd.DataFrame( [ { "start": self.get_pandas_now(), "end": self.get_pandas_now(), "occupation": self.occupation, } ] ) self.db = self.db.append(new_day_df, ignore_index=True, sort=False) self.db.sort_values(["start"]).reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.db.to_csv( self.db_path_offline, index=False, columns=["start", "end", "occupation"], sep="\t", ) return self.get_start_time(), self.get_session_time()
[docs] def start_session(self) -> None: """Start a session and update database.""" self.get_remote_db() # print("b4 merge\n", self.db) self.db = self.merge_dbs() # print("b4 update\n", self.db) self.update_db_locale() self.local_files = self.calc_file_hashes() # print("after update\n", self.db) self.push_remote_db()