Source code for work_tracker.functions.base_classes

"""Module containing the baseclass for data interactions."""
import datetime
import os
from configparser import ConfigParser

import pandas as pd
import pysftp

from .helpfer_functions import get_abs_path, hash_file

[docs]class DbBaseClass: default_config_path = get_abs_path("default_config.ini") def __init__(self, user_config_path=".user_config.ini"): """ Baseclass for data interactions. Parameters ---------- user_config_path : str, optional Path to the user specific config, which will overwrite default settings. by default ".user_config.ini" """ self.user_config_path = get_abs_path(user_config_path)
[docs] def get_pandas_now(self) -> pd.Timestamp: # type: ignore """ Return as pd.Timestamp. Returns ------- pd.Timestamp: current time as timestamp: pd.Timestamp """ return pd.to_datetime(
[docs] def get_datetime_now(self) -> datetime.datetime: """ Helpermethod for mocking of in unittests. Returns ------- datetime.datetime: """ return
[docs] def load_config(self) -> ConfigParser: """Load the config files and sets all necessary properties.""" config = ConfigParser()[self.default_config_path, self.user_config_path]) self.data_folder_path = get_abs_path( config.get("paths", "data_folder", fallback="../data") ) self.db_path_offline: str = os.path.join(self.data_folder_path, "local_db.tsv") self.db_path_online: str = os.path.join(self.data_folder_path, "remote_db.tsv") self.manual_db_path: str = os.path.join(self.data_folder_path, "manual_db.tsv") self.contract_info_path: str = os.path.join(self.data_folder_path, "contract_info.tsv") self.local_files = pd.DataFrame( { "local_db": {"path": self.db_path_offline}, "manual_db": {"path": self.manual_db_path}, "contract_info": {"path": self.contract_info_path}, } ).T host = config.get("login", "host") username = config.get("login", "username") password = config.get("login", "password") port = config.get("login", "port", fallback=22) self.db_path = config.get("login", "db_path") self.login_dict = { "host": host, "username": username, "password": password, "port": port, } occupations = config.get("occupation", "occupations").split(",") last_occupation = config.get("occupation", "last_occupation") if last_occupation in occupations: self.occupation = last_occupation # preventing some errors with different versions of pysftp try: cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.hostkeys = None # disable host key checking. self.login_dict["cnopts"] = cnopts except Exception: print("pysftp.CnOpts() doesn't exist") # returning config so subclasses and use it to obtain more information if needed return config
[docs] def load_db(self, db_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read in the db file if it exists or creates a new one. Parameters ---------- db_path : str path to the db_file on the SFTP server Returns ------- pd.Dataframe Loaded database. """ if not os.path.isfile(db_path): return pd.DataFrame( [ { "start": self.get_pandas_now(), "end": self.get_pandas_now(), "occupation": self.occupation, } ] ) else: return pd.read_csv(db_path, parse_dates=["start", "end"], sep="\t") # type: ignore
[docs] def clean_db(self) -> None: """Remove rows where the session work was less than 1min.""" work_time = self.db["end"] - self.db["start"] # pylint: disable=E0203 real_work_period = work_time > pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="m") # 1 minute self.db = self.db[real_work_period]
[docs] def calc_file_hashes(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate hashvalues for files. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe with file hashes. """ local_files = self.local_files.copy() local_files["hashes"] = local_files["path"].apply(hash_file) return local_files
[docs] def get_remote_db(self) -> bool: """ Download the db_file to db_path_online from the SFTP server. This uses the values specified at ["login"]["db_path"] in the config file. Returns ------- bool Whether database retrieval succeeded or not. """ try: with pysftp.Connection(**self.login_dict) as sftp: sftp.get(self.db_path, localpath=self.db_path_online, preserve_mtime=True) return True except Exception: print("Failed to get remote_db") return False
[docs] def push_remote_db(self) -> bool: """ Push the db_file from db_path_offline to the SFTP server. This uses the values specified at ["login"]["db_path"] in the config file. Returns ------- bool Whether database upload succeeded or not. """ try: with pysftp.Connection(**self.login_dict) as sftp: sftp.put(self.db_path_offline, remotepath=self.db_path, preserve_mtime=True) return True except Exception: print("Failed to push remote_db") return False
[docs] def merge_dbs(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Merge local db with remote db. The overlap (same start) is replaced with the max value of end. Returns ------- pd.Dataframe Local db merged with remote db, with striped overlap. """ remote_db = self.load_db(self.db_path_online) if not self.db.equals(remote_db): new_db = pd.merge( self.db, remote_db, on=["occupation", "start", "end"], # type: ignore how="outer", ) # get conflicting start values (same start value different end value) start_fix = new_db["start"][new_db["start"].duplicated()] drop_list = [] for start_val in start_fix.values: dup_index = new_db.index[new_db["start"].isin([start_val])] max_end_ts = new_db["end"].loc[dup_index].max()[dup_index[0], "end"] = max_end_ts drop_list.append(dup_index[1:]) flat_drop_list = [item for sublist in drop_list for item in sublist] new_db.drop(new_db.index[flat_drop_list], inplace=True) else: new_db = self.db new_db.drop_duplicates() return new_db.sort_values(["start"]).reset_index(drop=True)